• What ages is Outlook Kids for?

    Outlook Kids is specifically for kids in kindy to year 6. They can expect games, interactive crafts and learning bible stories together. All facilitated by our amazing kids team - many of whom have education degrees.

  • When is Outlook Kids on?

    Outlook Kids Church is roughly a 40-minute program that runs from the start of the message through to the end of service each week. We love having our kids join us in worship before kids’ church kicks off.

  • Where is Outlook Kids?

    Outlook Kids Church is held in our kids room - just off our main gathering space.

  • What about my pre-kindy toddler?

    Welcome to the Toddler Zone.

    We have a purpose-built toddler zone (baby gate included) in our main gathering space. It is full of toys and different activities to keep even the busiest little one entertained. And because it’s in our main space - you don’t need to miss out on worshipping in community or catching the message.

    P.S - we don’t mind a little noise. The sound of kids playing in the background reminds us that we’re also building something for the next generation. We also have a designated parent's room for feeding, nappy changes and settling if need be!

  • Will my child be safe?

    All of our kid's team have gone through child safety training, have valid blue cards and have been trained in how to appropriately interact with children. We also use a digital check-in platform that allows us to keep real-time records of who was in the room each week.

    The Outlook Kids room is also just off our main gathering space allowing for ease of access if parents are needed.


Meet Kya!

Kya leads the team of the Outlook Kids leaders.