what to expect.

If you have never been to Outlook (or even Church) - here is what you can expect.

  • What time do you gather?

    We meet on Sundays in person and online at 9:30am. Feel free to arrive anytime from 9am for a coffee and chat.

  • What about my kids?

    We are a multi-generational community and kids of all ages are welcome!

    Specifically for kids in kindy to year 6 we have an Outlook Kids Church program. We include an announcement when it’s time to check your kids in. This includes games, interactive crafts and learning bible stories together. All facilitated by our amazing kids team - many of whom have education degrees.

    All of our kid's team have gone through child safety training, have valid blue cards and have been trained in how to appropriately interact with children.

  • What about my pre-kindy toddler?

    Welcome to the Toddler Zone.

    We have a purpose-built toddler zone (baby gate included) in our main gathering space. It is full of toys and different activities to keep even the busiest little one entertained. And because it’s in our main space - you don’t need to miss out on worshipping in community or catching the message.

    P.S - we don’t mind a little noise. The sound of kids playing in the background reminds us that we’re also building something for the next generation. We also have a designated parent's room for feeding, nappy changes and settling if need be!

  • Where do I park?

    We have plenty of parking onsite at 323 Ruthven Street (Rumours International Convention Centre). We’re next door to Anytime Fitness.

  • How long do gatherings typically last?

    An Outlook Sunday gathering is usually a little over 60 minutes. It looks something like this:


    Coming together in community to worship God is a privilege! One of the ways we worship is through singing. Most people stand, however, feel free to sit if you prefer. The words are on a screen and the music is contemporary. (15-20 minutes)

    Welcome & Announcements

    We have a vibrant and growing community with no shortage of opportunities to connect. This is where we share opportunities to engage more in the life of the community.
    (approximately 5 minutes)

    Say G'Day

    Everyone is on the welcome team at Outlook. We include a short window each week to ensure that everyone is seen and has the opportunity to connect. (5 minutes)


    One of our team will share a practical and engaging teaching from the bible. (20-30 minutes)

    Morning Tea & Coffee

    After the message, morning tea & barista coffee are on us (free). Feel free to hang around for as long or as little as you’d like.

  • What should I wear?

    We’re a pretty casual bunch! Jeans and a t-shirt wouldn’t leave you feeling out of place or underdressed.

  • Is your building accessible?

    Yes! Our venue is wheelchair accessible.

  • More questions?

    If we haven’t answered something you wanted to know, feel free to send us a message and we’ll get back to you personally.

prefer to watch than read?

Here’s what you can expect at an Outlook Sunday gathering.